
[3D novel bell]Shiro-kuro Saga walkthrough by Ii-otonatachi and all of you part11-【3D小説 bell】いい大人達とお前らの『シロクロサーガ』攻略part11

2016-03-11 1 Dailymotion

This is the recorded video of the broadcast live by Niconico-live on August 23, 2014 , as "[3D novel bell] Shiro-kuro Saga LP by Ii-otonatachi and all of you".
Please note that sound effects is contained by clumsiness of upload person in the middle.

2014年8月23日にニコニコ生放送にて放送された"【3D小説 bell】いい大人達とお前らの『シロクロサーガ』攻略"の録画ビデオです。
